Sunday, June 26, 2011

Comment for Adam's Blog

Click Me to see my comment on Adam's Blog!!

Comment for Chonnie's RILS Blog

Click Me to see my comment on Chonnie's Blog.

BP8_RILS and Movie for

Relevant and Innovative Learning Scenario

Marquita Gulley

Brief Overview: 
You will be using the web 2.0 tool of to create page for your class. This page will serve as a means of communication between the parent and teachers

Target Audience-

· Computer
· Internet connection
· Account (New not personal)
· Course materials and assignments for your class.

At the end of this scenario, the learner will be able to:
· Create a Facebook page for their class.
· Implement Facebook as a means of communication between parent and teacher.
· Communicate to parents on how the class page will be used.

· First, Create a new account.
· Next, Create a course for your class.
· Add information to your page that indicates assignments, classroom information, and parent information.
· Finally, invite parents and students to join your class by simply sending them the link for the access code.
· It is very important to offer some sort of training to ensure that the parents and students are well aware of navigating through the website.

Web 2.0 Tools–
For the RILS, I have chosen is a management tool for your class as well as a social networking site. With the use of social networking, teachers and parents can stay connected. Using also gives you the opportunity to post assignments that are to be completed. Some unique features of using are the online versions of the attendance and the grade book. Using is a great way for teachers to remain organized especially if they teach multiple classes. Having an online based management tool will also assist when a teacher loses a jump drive. You can pull up this information anywhere there is a computer.

Social Participation/Social Learning–
Invite parents of students and students to your page to assist them with managing the schoolwork presented for your class. Students can communicate with each other in regards to schoolwork and post information on lesson to the site. You as the teacher can post information about class discussions and assignments and the students can respond. The parents can check the site frequently to see what assignments are due and message you on the status of their child. Since your grade book is online you can easily find the student and report back to the parent.

Making Connections–
a) Previous knowledge: Ask if the parents and teachers are familiar with
b) Something that is relevant: Teachers use attendance books and grade book on a regular basis so using and having one online will assist in going paperless. Also teachers post assignments in class and some offer a syllabus for their class, offers teachers the ability to create it on line where parents can see it too.
c) With a local or global audience: The parents are able to view upcoming assignments for their child. Teachers can meet colleagues with the use of and possible collaborate with them to get students more involved in learning.

The finished project will be a completed page with at least one assignment posted, one link added, and two members..

Assessment –

• Web Site Design :

Spelling and Grammar
4- There are no errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar in the final draft of the Web site.
3- There are 1-3 errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar in the final draft of the Web site.
2- There are 4-5 errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar in the final draft of the Web site.
1- There are more than 5 errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar in the final draft of the Web site.

Content Accuracy
4-All information provided by the student on the Web site is accurate and all the requirements of the assignment have been met.
3- Almost all the information provided by the student on the Web site is accurate and all requirements of the assignment have been met.
2- Almost all of the information provided by the student on the Web site is accurate and almost all of the requirements have been met.
1- There are several inaccuracies in the content provided by the students OR many of the requirements were not met.

Links (content)
4- All links point to high quality, up-to-date, credible sites.
3- Almost all links point to high quality, up-to-date, credible sites.
2- Most links point to high quality, up-to-date, credible sites.
1- Less than 3/4 of the links point to high quality, up-to-date, credible sites.

Learning of Material
4- The student has an exceptional understanding of the material included in the site and where to find additional information. Can easily answer questions about the content and procedures used to make the web site.
3- The student has a good understanding of the material included in the site. Can easily answer questions about the content and procedures used to make the web site.
2- The student has a fair understanding of the material included in the site. Can easily answer most questions about the content and procedures used to make the web site.
1- Student did not appear to learn much from this project. Cannot answer most questions about the content and the procedures used to make the web site.

4- The site has a well-stated clear purpose and theme that is carried out throughout the site.
3- The site has a clearly stated purpose and theme, but may have one or two elements that do not seem to be related to it.
2- The purpose and theme of the site is somewhat muddy or vague.
1- The site lacks a purpose and theme.

I will reflect on what I think went wrong and what I can do to improve my idea of parental involvement through the use of technology. I want my students to reflect on the experience of using and how they can use the site to improve on parental involvement in their class.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Welcome Back!!

Ready for your next Ray of Light??

Remember my RILS on

After becoming familiar with, I was able to add in an assignment and it was very simple.  Having assignments posted on the website will allow the teacher to manage what assignments are due. It will allow parents the opportunity to see what assignments are due for the class. 

With the use of the calendar, after you post an assignment you can add it to the calendar. Adding assignments to the calendar will give the students an idea of what assignments are due.  It also gives the parents the opportunity of monitor the their child’s work. 

I added a link to the website which was the link to my blog.  I did this to show that if there was a link you wanted your students to look at for an assignment, you have those capabilities. 

Using allows you manage multiple classes if you have them.  When making a general post it will ask you which class you would like to post to. 

With the capabilities of the site you can take learning and parental involvement to a whole new level.  By having access to the assignments, parents can be apart of the class and know what assignments are due and take part in the discussions.  Parents can also easily communicate with the teacher because being busy (as parents or teachers), we may not always have the opportunity to make a phone call. Parents can communicate by sending a message to the teacher. With continuous communication between the teacher and the parent, the progress of the student will not have to wait until progress report or report card time.

Hello Everyone,

Time for more light to shine!!!

I am new to and eager to see the features and benefits of the website.

 I am currently working on my newest project for my ETC class for the EMDT program at Full Sail University.  My focus for this assignment is to find a web 2.0 tool for teachers to be able to effectively communicate with parents, colleagues, or with students.  That is were comes into play. is a learning management tool and also a social networking site.  The cool thing about is that is looks just like and it is safe for your students to navigate.  
From creating a account, I was able to create a class and also post information for the class.  

You can also add members to your class by sending them an email containing the access code. 
When you create the account you become the administrator for your account that allows you to post assignments and different items of the categories.  Being new to the website, I had to play around with it and learn how to navigate through it.  I also found that there is a calendar where you can add different events that are due or that you are going to do for your class.  

Having a account could cut the use of paper in half.  You can send the homework to students via and since it is on your computer you can grade it and post the grades.  Since the majority of your work is computer based you can create folders of different assignments.  This can make for a better environment.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

BP7_One Minute Video

Welcome Back!!!

I have created a commercial to tell you about the web 2.0 tool I was able to research. Enjoy!!

Hey! Are you looking for an educational site for kids where they can learn and play games?  You should definitely try Kindersite.  Kindersite is an interactive website where students can listen to stories and play games.  And guess what Its Educational.  And they can have fun while learning! This site is very simple to use and easily accessible at any location where a computer has Internet service.  It’s SUPER EASY!!! All you have to do is choose an age group, decides whether you want to play a game or listen to a story, and choose your educational value, fun value, and playability value.  Finally choose a story; listen, learn, and have FUN!!!  Wow!!! I have learned so much about Kindersite and I can’t wait to take my kids on and show them all of the educational features.

Please view my Viddler site by clicking here to see my video on Kindersite!! I tried to embed the code but was unsuccessful!!

See you soon where I will shine more light on my new topic!!!

BP6_Gail's Blog


Im back!!

I have more light to shed!!! I recently viewed another classmates blog!! Her name is Gail!!! On her blog she talked about a web 2.0 tool tilted Glogster!! I just had to try it out!!!

And I created a poster of all of the things I love!!!!

If you would like to view my Glog click here.

Be sure to view Gail's blog were I made a comment by clicking here.

BP5_Dawn's Blog

I had the pleasure of reading the a blog post of one of my classmates.  Her name is Dawn Blair. She has a great blog that I think you would love to read.  I recently commented on her blog titled Dawn of the Bread!
To go to the her page follow the here.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I have!!!


Hello Again!!

Time to shine more light on a new Web 2.0 tools that I have found useful.  I enjoy any tool that is interactive and educational.  I think that these two features will assist with students wanting to learn. is the new tool that I have found. Allow me to walk you through the site.
This is the homepage of the webpage.  Here you are able to login or become a new member.  This page also informs you about the website.
On this page you can make a selection for the age, content type (which includes stories, games, etc.), and the value of education, play, and fun.  This website is very easy to use.
On this page you are able to choose that story that you want.  Or if you chose a game you would choose the game.

Click the link to see the story that I viewed.

Overall, this is a great website to use for young students.  It is very easy to use and has great educational value.  During the story that I viewed, they made you click on different items throughout the story and also had a section on matching.  This was very great for students who are learning how to match.  Using this we 2.0 tool will increase language skills for students and also improve on vocabulary.  As the story is being read, the words appear at the bottom so the child can follow along.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Welcome Back!!

I am so proud of earning my certificate through that I wanted to share it with you!!!

Having this certificate means a lot to me and watching the videos has taught me so much. I can not wait to show everyone what I have learned from the videos.

Please visit and become a member. You will not regret it at all.  I know I won't.  Just so that you will remember here is what the site looks like.

Check Out this video of some of the features I have learned for the training videos on!!

I hope that you have enjoyed my video and are considering for yourself.  I will definitely be returning to to become a master at more programs. The only problem is deciding what program to do next!!!!


Hello Again!!

From doing the training videos on there is a feature in iMovie that I must show you.  I have always wanted to learn how to do titles and credits in iMovie.  I know your probably saying: "Marquita, you don't know how to do titles and credits?" But I do not, I'll admit it.  Titles and Credits are important to me because I like to produce training videos. With the use of titles and credits, I can do so with out having to insert slides from powerpoint.

First you start by opening your iMovie app and creating a new project. As you can see above I have chosen not to have a theme for this project.

Next you choose your photos or videos that you would like to incorporate.

Adding the Titles and Credits in very simple and takes not time at all. Watch this video of me showing you how to add Titles and Credit to my work.

I hope that you have enjoyed learning how to insert titles and credits into your work on iMovie. I would like to thank for showing me this feature.  I hope that you will enjoy this feature as much as I will and find it useful in your  work with iMovie.


Hey Everyone!!!!  It is time for me shed some more light!!! I recently had a project to do for class where I was required to do an online training for iMovie 11.  Those that already know me, know that I LOVE iMovie, so this was right up my alley.  I want to tell you a little about my journey and what I have learned.  The website that offered this fabulous training is has many training videos that you can watch.  I did my training on iMovie 11. One of the cool features of this website is that it tells you the time of each section.  If you click on the arrow beside the title like in #3 it will show all of the separate videos and this times for the videos.

As you complete the a video an eye will show up indicating that you have viewed this video. This is also shown in #3.  It is a great tool to keep you on track and organized with your viewing.  

Overall, is great for it you ever want to get some hands on training with any computer program. Even though I was familiar with iMovie, the information that I was taught was amazing. I cant wait to share it with you!! Look for my upcoming post!! And visit for more information.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

BP2_LittleBird Tales

I recently had to complete an assignment for my ETC class on web2.0 tools.  We had to find one that we could use with our profession.  I work with 2 year olds and so that alone is a challenge.  While searching I found the perfect tool.  It is titled LittleBird Tales. This tool is a great way to increase literacy development.  With adult supervision any child could use this tool. It is very simple. Using this tool can allow your student or child to create memorable artwork to show the world or tell the world about a family vacation. With the work being online you will always have a copy!!
                                    I want to share this tool with you and how it works.

Here is the home page where you can create an account and watch a video about the tool.

After you have created the account you simply select "Create a New Tale"on your home screen.

On this page you can see that I have added pages to my tale. You can choose to import photos, artwork, or draw a picture.  Allow your child or student to record their voice and you can type words. P.S. Do not forget to save after every page!!

When you have completed your tale, you simply select step 3 to share.  You can choose to email your tale or
You can go back to your main screen and select "My Tales" so you can obtain the link and/or embed code. Here you can also manage your tale and select if you want it to be public or private. Mine is pending because you have to wait for approval to have your tale public.  


These are images of my iGoogle page I had to setup for my ETC class. I am in grad school with Full Sail University.  I am in the Educational Media Design and Technology program and loving it! The iGoogle page is a great way for me to keep track of all of the important links I use regularly and to incorporate apps that I have never used but found that I needed.  It was not difficult to set up either. You can simply go to Google and set one up! A cool feature of using iGoogle is that there are many gadgets that you can add to your page to help you with your everyday life.  I have a to do list on mine! You can also use it to manage your social media network like Facebook and Twitter. I have my iGoogle set up as my home page when I log onto the Internet. As my home page, I can see the sites I use the most and items on my to do list.  This way I never have to worry about remembering websites.  It is a great way for me to stay organized! I would definitely recommend my friends to use the iGoogle component for day-to-day usage.  Now that I have one, I wonder where I have been without it.  I have different apps on my phone but I never thought of having them readily available on my computer.  Now with igoogle I am able to enjoy the simple pleasures of being organized!!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

BP1_Welcome to my blog

This is my first blog and I wanted to tell you a little about myself!!!

I am excited to have my blog and look forward to my future post!!!

I am from fayetteville, NC!!  I received my Bachelor's Degree from Winston-Salem State University.

I chose my title Marquita's Ray of Light because the light is very significant to my journey!! Every time I made an accomplishment in my life I would say "I can finally see the light" or my other favorite quote "There is a light at the end of the tunnel".  There has been plenty of times where I could not see the light or find my way but I never gave up!! I continued to press on and find my way!! Nevertheless, my journey still has not ended and I find myself getting into new adventures and when things get a little cloudy on the road ahead, I will just follow my light!!

Continue to follow my blog to find out what my light will shine on next!!!