Sunday, June 19, 2011

Welcome Back!!

Ready for your next Ray of Light??

Remember my RILS on

After becoming familiar with, I was able to add in an assignment and it was very simple.  Having assignments posted on the website will allow the teacher to manage what assignments are due. It will allow parents the opportunity to see what assignments are due for the class. 

With the use of the calendar, after you post an assignment you can add it to the calendar. Adding assignments to the calendar will give the students an idea of what assignments are due.  It also gives the parents the opportunity of monitor the their child’s work. 

I added a link to the website which was the link to my blog.  I did this to show that if there was a link you wanted your students to look at for an assignment, you have those capabilities. 

Using allows you manage multiple classes if you have them.  When making a general post it will ask you which class you would like to post to. 

With the capabilities of the site you can take learning and parental involvement to a whole new level.  By having access to the assignments, parents can be apart of the class and know what assignments are due and take part in the discussions.  Parents can also easily communicate with the teacher because being busy (as parents or teachers), we may not always have the opportunity to make a phone call. Parents can communicate by sending a message to the teacher. With continuous communication between the teacher and the parent, the progress of the student will not have to wait until progress report or report card time. 

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