Sunday, June 12, 2011


Hello Again!!

Time to shine more light on a new Web 2.0 tools that I have found useful.  I enjoy any tool that is interactive and educational.  I think that these two features will assist with students wanting to learn. is the new tool that I have found. Allow me to walk you through the site.
This is the homepage of the webpage.  Here you are able to login or become a new member.  This page also informs you about the website.
On this page you can make a selection for the age, content type (which includes stories, games, etc.), and the value of education, play, and fun.  This website is very easy to use.
On this page you are able to choose that story that you want.  Or if you chose a game you would choose the game.

Click the link to see the story that I viewed.

Overall, this is a great website to use for young students.  It is very easy to use and has great educational value.  During the story that I viewed, they made you click on different items throughout the story and also had a section on matching.  This was very great for students who are learning how to match.  Using this we 2.0 tool will increase language skills for students and also improve on vocabulary.  As the story is being read, the words appear at the bottom so the child can follow along.


  1. Marquita,

    This site is awesome for young learners. I love the fact that games are incorporated as a way to teach children English and other lessons. Not only is this helpful for American students but learners of English from around the world can benefit from this as well. Interactivity is a great way to get students involved in their own learning process. I did, however, have an issue with your story link, I believe the address is misspelled. Overall, a great site!

  2. An adorable site for the tiny people of the world. I enjoyed exploring the site. I especially liked the storybook games which required children to demonstrate math counting skills and letter recognition. Although this site is too immature for my students, I would however visit the site when interacting with my younger nieces and nephews. Usually, as soon as they see me, they immediately want to play on my laptop, so thanks for sharing! Oh, I also wanted to mention, I found the Older People's page to be quite interesting. Did you take at look at that page?

  3. A nifty little tool for tots-be careful when you post pictures, I've found the Large size works best!
