Sunday, June 26, 2011

BP8_RILS and Movie for

Relevant and Innovative Learning Scenario

Marquita Gulley

Brief Overview: 
You will be using the web 2.0 tool of to create page for your class. This page will serve as a means of communication between the parent and teachers

Target Audience-

· Computer
· Internet connection
· Account (New not personal)
· Course materials and assignments for your class.

At the end of this scenario, the learner will be able to:
· Create a Facebook page for their class.
· Implement Facebook as a means of communication between parent and teacher.
· Communicate to parents on how the class page will be used.

· First, Create a new account.
· Next, Create a course for your class.
· Add information to your page that indicates assignments, classroom information, and parent information.
· Finally, invite parents and students to join your class by simply sending them the link for the access code.
· It is very important to offer some sort of training to ensure that the parents and students are well aware of navigating through the website.

Web 2.0 Tools–
For the RILS, I have chosen is a management tool for your class as well as a social networking site. With the use of social networking, teachers and parents can stay connected. Using also gives you the opportunity to post assignments that are to be completed. Some unique features of using are the online versions of the attendance and the grade book. Using is a great way for teachers to remain organized especially if they teach multiple classes. Having an online based management tool will also assist when a teacher loses a jump drive. You can pull up this information anywhere there is a computer.

Social Participation/Social Learning–
Invite parents of students and students to your page to assist them with managing the schoolwork presented for your class. Students can communicate with each other in regards to schoolwork and post information on lesson to the site. You as the teacher can post information about class discussions and assignments and the students can respond. The parents can check the site frequently to see what assignments are due and message you on the status of their child. Since your grade book is online you can easily find the student and report back to the parent.

Making Connections–
a) Previous knowledge: Ask if the parents and teachers are familiar with
b) Something that is relevant: Teachers use attendance books and grade book on a regular basis so using and having one online will assist in going paperless. Also teachers post assignments in class and some offer a syllabus for their class, offers teachers the ability to create it on line where parents can see it too.
c) With a local or global audience: The parents are able to view upcoming assignments for their child. Teachers can meet colleagues with the use of and possible collaborate with them to get students more involved in learning.

The finished project will be a completed page with at least one assignment posted, one link added, and two members..

Assessment –

• Web Site Design :

Spelling and Grammar
4- There are no errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar in the final draft of the Web site.
3- There are 1-3 errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar in the final draft of the Web site.
2- There are 4-5 errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar in the final draft of the Web site.
1- There are more than 5 errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar in the final draft of the Web site.

Content Accuracy
4-All information provided by the student on the Web site is accurate and all the requirements of the assignment have been met.
3- Almost all the information provided by the student on the Web site is accurate and all requirements of the assignment have been met.
2- Almost all of the information provided by the student on the Web site is accurate and almost all of the requirements have been met.
1- There are several inaccuracies in the content provided by the students OR many of the requirements were not met.

Links (content)
4- All links point to high quality, up-to-date, credible sites.
3- Almost all links point to high quality, up-to-date, credible sites.
2- Most links point to high quality, up-to-date, credible sites.
1- Less than 3/4 of the links point to high quality, up-to-date, credible sites.

Learning of Material
4- The student has an exceptional understanding of the material included in the site and where to find additional information. Can easily answer questions about the content and procedures used to make the web site.
3- The student has a good understanding of the material included in the site. Can easily answer questions about the content and procedures used to make the web site.
2- The student has a fair understanding of the material included in the site. Can easily answer most questions about the content and procedures used to make the web site.
1- Student did not appear to learn much from this project. Cannot answer most questions about the content and the procedures used to make the web site.

4- The site has a well-stated clear purpose and theme that is carried out throughout the site.
3- The site has a clearly stated purpose and theme, but may have one or two elements that do not seem to be related to it.
2- The purpose and theme of the site is somewhat muddy or vague.
1- The site lacks a purpose and theme.

I will reflect on what I think went wrong and what I can do to improve my idea of parental involvement through the use of technology. I want my students to reflect on the experience of using and how they can use the site to improve on parental involvement in their class.

1 comment:

  1. Marquita, Thanks for the overview of, I have been considering getting an account since last year, when friends from suggested it as a way to handle social media collaboration between teachers. I know that you focused upon it pimarily as a tool for students to see student assignments, but do you see ways to enable teachers say within the same building to use this as a PLC (Professional Learning Community) portal?
    For more on PLC's in Education check out:
