Saturday, June 4, 2011

BP2_LittleBird Tales

I recently had to complete an assignment for my ETC class on web2.0 tools.  We had to find one that we could use with our profession.  I work with 2 year olds and so that alone is a challenge.  While searching I found the perfect tool.  It is titled LittleBird Tales. This tool is a great way to increase literacy development.  With adult supervision any child could use this tool. It is very simple. Using this tool can allow your student or child to create memorable artwork to show the world or tell the world about a family vacation. With the work being online you will always have a copy!!
                                    I want to share this tool with you and how it works.

Here is the home page where you can create an account and watch a video about the tool.

After you have created the account you simply select "Create a New Tale"on your home screen.

On this page you can see that I have added pages to my tale. You can choose to import photos, artwork, or draw a picture.  Allow your child or student to record their voice and you can type words. P.S. Do not forget to save after every page!!

When you have completed your tale, you simply select step 3 to share.  You can choose to email your tale or
You can go back to your main screen and select "My Tales" so you can obtain the link and/or embed code. Here you can also manage your tale and select if you want it to be public or private. Mine is pending because you have to wait for approval to have your tale public.  

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