Saturday, June 11, 2011


Hey Everyone!!!!  It is time for me shed some more light!!! I recently had a project to do for class where I was required to do an online training for iMovie 11.  Those that already know me, know that I LOVE iMovie, so this was right up my alley.  I want to tell you a little about my journey and what I have learned.  The website that offered this fabulous training is has many training videos that you can watch.  I did my training on iMovie 11. One of the cool features of this website is that it tells you the time of each section.  If you click on the arrow beside the title like in #3 it will show all of the separate videos and this times for the videos.

As you complete the a video an eye will show up indicating that you have viewed this video. This is also shown in #3.  It is a great tool to keep you on track and organized with your viewing.  

Overall, is great for it you ever want to get some hands on training with any computer program. Even though I was familiar with iMovie, the information that I was taught was amazing. I cant wait to share it with you!! Look for my upcoming post!! And visit for more information.

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