Sunday, January 29, 2012

Week 4 Leadership Project

This Leadership project has been a great experience.  I have evaluated who my role model in education is, whether I would like to present or post, and also where I would like to present or post. Well no worries, I have finally decided.  I have created a presentation that I would like to present at on of the following sites.  Here is my first choice:

This is a great conferences that focuses on parental involvement and technology.  I was so thrilled when I found this site. I both technology and parental involvement so this site is perfect.

The second choice is:

This site is wonderful and it also provides a lot of information on parental involvement.

Here are links to my earlier post for the Leadership Project:

Week 1 Leadership Post

Week 2 Leadership Post

Week 3 Leadership Post

Here is also the link to my actual presentation!! Enjoy!!

Leadership Presentation

Week 4 Classmate Comment (Adam Vaughn)

MAC Week 4 Reading: 9-12

A wise saying from father to a son.

Standing in the center of radiating possibility.

This next block of text was probably my favorite in the last four chapters, I can almost picture Mr. Zander on his bike trying to get to the museum. The first four statements are all about the kind of attitude one needs to maintain to keep the following paragraphs alive as radiating possibility.

In reading about "being the board itself" it felt very natural to associate it to the notion of "one button playing", in which a player becomes aware to the point that they are not playing with emphasis on one note to the next, but instead are able to play with emphasis on entire phrases and untimely the entire piece.

An uplifting thought from Nelson Mandela

"We practice" is a dive into interpersonal relationships and diplomacy at large.

This was a great book, so many little treasures lie within. 
I'll be recommending to many of my friends and family.


  1. Derek GualandriJan 27, 2012 03:29 PM
    The last statement you wrote down about the little treasures lie with in is a brilliant analysts of this reading of the Art of Possibilities. You seem to harness the brilliant points that Zander was providing to the reader. The life's little lessons that he experienced through his eyes. Zander is super intelligent and his compassion is very evident throughout this book. The be the board is a key component as one travels through life. It is such a different approach that many do not seem to allow them shelves to actual be. Many see them shelves as a small chess piece as a pawn in the huge game of chess. Once again, I enjoy your vision of the readings. You capture great points through this reading of The Art of Possibility.
    Thanks again
  2. MarquitaJan 29, 2012 06:56 PM
    Adam, I love how you provided quotes from the book and other sources to make your audience become apart of the readings. The title definately explains the book. There are so many possibilites within that can teach you so much about life. Way to go!

Week 4 Classmate Comment (Gail Mebane)

MAC Wk 4-1: Reading Post -- THE ART OF POSSIBILITY

Image retrieved from:

Certain things in life are better done in person.”
- - Ben Zander, quoting his father Walter Zander, from The Art of Possibility

Chapter nine of The Art of Possibility, Lighting a Spark, brought tears to my eyes as I read, through the chapter.  Through the stories in this chapter, I reconfirmed that making connections with others and lighting a spark has amazing potential to create a huge blaze of success in any venture.  I learned, confirmed and reinforced many things in my mind by reading this chapter.  I have had some experiences similar to the one described by Roz and I was hugely inspired by her story of the bicycle incident.  Thinking in terms of possibilities instead of impossibilities is a refreshing paradigm shift.  I like the way she explained the dynamics of the shift in perception as the three people involved changed their perception and transcended an impasse.  The remainder of the chapter is an incredible description of events surrounding the development of a music intervention program for a failing school.  Though Ben sought to enroll another in his venture, he became enrolled in a bigger venture that encompassed his own.  I learned that enrollment on either side of an interaction equation has within it the tremendous power of synergy.  The creative venture of the collaborating members is limited only by the imaginations of those involved.  The quote above that I chose from this chapter was very inspiring to me.  The story of Ben’s father and his remembrance of the lesson he learned on personal interaction came into play beautifully, when he chose to approach and enroll Rostropovich, the renown cellist.  I thoroughly enjoyed this chapter and I plan to apply the lesson of lighting a spark and enrollment in my life and work.

“You can always grace yourself with responsibility for anything that happens in your life.  You can always find within yourself, the source of any problem you have.”   - - Rosamond Zander, from The Art of Possibility      

Chapter ten - Being the Board, “You move the problematic aspects of any circumstance from the outside world inside the boundaries of yourself.” Chapter ten is about taking responsibility for what happens in your own life.  Not blaming others and not blaming yourself for circumstances and situations but viewing negative events from a new perspective.  I like this chapter because I feel that it is empowering to think in these terms. The alternative is, being frustrated by problems, giving control of your life to others, and being a victim of circumstances.  This chapter shows how a simple adjustment of perspective can change the course of events in ones life and open up new possibilities.  The stories and examples in this chapter clearly illustrate the dynamics of being the board and taking responsibility by asking the simple question:  “How did this situation get on the board that I am?  From this vantage point, it is easy to reassess a situation and create new possibilities that will turn the tide and get things moving in a different direction, more advantageously.

Chapter eleven, the eleventh practice of Creating Frameworks for Possibility is about resisting the “downward spiral” that can easily draws us into a negative system of thinking, sowing and reaping.  The chapter begins with a mention of the “I Have a Dream” speech by Dr. Martin Luther King and describes a leadership role as touching others and creating a chain reaction that opening up possibilities for the greater good.  I appreciate the notion that everyone can be a leader in any situation and create a framework that allows for the fresh air of new possibilities.  This type of leadership has the power to transform situations from negative/stagnant to positive/dynamic.  The stories and examples in this chapter provide excellent insight into the use of the practice.  I particularly appreciate the explanation of the difference between a “visionless” mission statement and one that contains a vision that will provide a springboard to possibilities as opposed to a springboard to the downward spiral.  One of my favorite quotes, a quote by Nelson Mandela, was provided in this chapter:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.  We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous – Actually, who are you not to be?  You are a child of God.  Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.  There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.  We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us.  It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone, and as we let our own life shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.”  - - Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love, (New York: Harper Collins, 1992) - - as quoted in The Art of Possibility (Formatting has been changed)

This chapter was inspirational in that it made me think about my creative resources and ability to structure a framework for amazing outcomes.

Chapter twelve, the final chapter of The Art of Possibility, Telling the We Story is about human connections and the fact that we are all part of the same story in one way or another.  Often, making meaningful connections means coming to terms with historical injustices and forging new possibilities based on a renewed collective vision.  This chapter drives home the fact that there is always more than one perspective to an event or experience involving people.  I particularly liked the account of Ben Zander’s father relating the histories of the Jewish people and the Arab people going all the way back to Abraham and culminating in Palestine in 1947.  The resulting quote from a student provided a profound realization that things can be different if people are willing to look for opportunities to converge and appreciate the strengths one another other possess.  Thereby, they can work together for the good of all.  The story of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, TRC in South Africa also provided a profound realization about the power of people to connect and rise above the role of perpetrator and victim, to reconciliation and the possibility of a brighter future.  This chapter was very meaningful for me in that it reminded me that possibilities mean that we are never alone and there is always a “we”.  The We Story can be a formidable force to employ in bringing about the bright future that we envision, hope for and work toward.  The Art of Possibility is a “must read” for anyone interested in being proactive about creating a life of their dreams with unlimited opportunities and possibilities.          


  1. jphudson2006Jan 29, 2012 11:58 AM
    Once again Gail, you brought insight and wisdom into the chapters. I always enjoy seeing your personal take on it, because you put your personality and beliefs into each reading post.
  2. MarquitaJan 29, 2012 06:36 PM
    Gail your words are so powerful!!! You have really taken a lot from the chapters. I agree that The Art of Possibility is a must read. Everyone in the teaching field should be requited to read it. We should not fear being powerful!! WE should embrace it!!!!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Week 4 Blog Post

Chapter 9
Enrollment. Wow.  Creating that spark.  I honestly hope that when people meet me they feel the spark of life that I try so hard to give off.  Enrollment is being positive so that others pick up your positivity.  It is like how my family portrays blessings. When someone you know has received a blessing just know that yours is right around the corner. Be happy for people and be positive.  Influence others to want to be positive as well. Spark a light is someone so they can spark a light in someone else.

Chapter 10
The board.  Having the option to change the course of action before it occurs.  Instead of placing the blame on someone else, be responsible to take the blame yourself.  Even if you know it is not your fault you could still have some fault.  Now that I think about it, there are some situations where the blame could have been on me.

Chapter 11
The Framework.  Making ways better for everyone. I really enjoyed the story about the second grade student that lost her hair from chemotherapy. Her classmates picked on her and she did not want to go to school the next day.  The framework is all about bringing people together with no divisions. Also, we have to be able to see the true vision and not just state false ones.  A vision could change how someone feels about an idea.

Chapter 12
WE!!!! Instead of looking at the world as if it only affects you, think of things in the perspective of how it impacts all of those around you.  That is so powerful because quite frequently we have thought that our worlds were so bad but we never really take to time to look at the world through the eyes of some who is really going through things.  There are so many people that do not have job, have been diagnosed with cancer, who are innocent in jail.  We sometimes seem to get upset about the crazy stuff and forget there are bigger issues in the world.  Look at how you can make the world better instead of how the world can be so hard on you!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

MAC Week 4 Wimba Share Leadership Document

Welcome and follow my light to my leadership post completed in the Media Asset Creation.

Week 1 Leadership Post

Week 2 Leadership Post

Week 3 Leadership Post

Leadership Document

Above is the link to the document for my leadership project.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

MAC Week 3 Leadership Post

in the beginning, I decided that I wanted to publish. I have had a change of heart. Now I would like to present.  The Wimba session has definately cleared things up for be because I thought we really had to go to the place we choose and do a presentation.  But since we do not I really want the opportunity to show my work through presenting. I chose the following two places to present but I wonder if they would support my topic of Parental Involvement. I believe that technology could enhance the way teachers and parents communicate!!!

Georgia Educational Technology Conference

Association for Education Communication and Technology

MAC Week 3 Classmate Comment (Gail Mebane)

MAC Wk 3-1: Reading Post -- THE ART OF POSSIBILITY

 Image from Morgue File:

"There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you through all time, this expression is unique.  And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost.  The world will not have it.  It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions.  It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open."

--Martha Graham, quoted by Agnes DeMille,    
Martha: The life and work of Martha Graham

The discussion of leadership in Chapter five of The Art of Possibility by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander is interesting and profound.  As the title of the chapter ( Leading From Any Chair) suggests, leaders are those who choose to take a leadership role, regardless of their assigned role or designation.  Leadership involves taking the initiative that others can follow to strive for a desired outcome.  Often, people with strong leadership ability do not have direction or they are negative leaders who lead others to negative outcomes.  I believe that all people have leadership potential whether or not they choose to exercise it.  However, from the prospective of a teacher it is excellent to recognize the leadership potential that students have to influence one another and to channel that ability through student centered activities and cooperative grouping.  In this chapter, I particularly liked the story about the legendary quartet that played their music from memory.  Their alertness and ability to step in to pick up the slack for each other was what made them successful.  This was a great example of shared leadership.

Chapter six, Rule Number 6, is full of poignant stories and light-hearted surprises.  It provides a reminder not to take yourself too seriously and to work toward moving from the rigid, serious, "calculating self" to the free, light-hearted, generous, "central self".  Posing the question, "What would have to change for me to be totally fullfilled" and playing the game "Have the best sex ever" are great exercises to help a person break through the confines of the calculating self to the central self.  The stories in this chapter were amazing.

"The way things are" is an unusual title for a chapter.  However, Chapter seven is initiated with a dialog from the movie Babe that expresses the concerns of animals who may be destined to become dinner at some time or another.  Through this dialog, the authors present a contrast between two outlooks, one of resignation and one of indignation.  These attitudes are examined and refuted within the chapter.  The authors assert that neither outlook is advantageous.  They propose that a zen type mindfulness be applied to the way things are, so that we are "being present without resistance".  This practice allows for circumstances to be brought into perspective, further allowing for acceptance, emotional honesty and transcendence.  The story of Jane Goodall's work and her ability to apply the principle of acceptance of the way things are, to reach greater possibilities, provided a touching highlight to this chapter.

Many authors have written about finding your passion and following your passion.  I think that it is undeniable that passion is a key element, recognized as a determining factor for success.  However, in Chapter eight, "Giving Way to Passion", the Zanders have written about passion in another perspective.  Their stories seem to describe passion as a unique, energy of expression that propels an accomplishment into the realm of extraordinary.  I really like all of the stories and anecdotes related to music and musicians.  It is exciting to hear about their struggles and how they must master their art while uniquely expressing themselves creatively.  It is easy to see how passion fits in through the examples provided.


  1. Bernadette BordersJan 21, 2012 04:38 PM
    Gail Melbane

    I like your quote by Martha Graham. We are all unique and there can only be one of us. We each have our own talent that makes us who we are. This reminds me of another quote by Shakespeare, “This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man”. As a teacher, I agree with you that the students have great potential to be leaders themselves and to be able to lead others. I remember a time when a counselor needed to talk to me briefly out in the hall. I spoke to her and I thought my class would just practice on their own but they went ahead and conducted themselves and played the music together. I like it when it gets to a point that they don’t need me in front conducting them that they are able to watch and listen non-verbally to each other just like the musician in chapter eight. You hit the nail on the head with all the chapters we read on the Art of Possibility. Good job.
  2. jphudson2006Jan 22, 2012 11:56 AM
    Very nice description of the chapters. Your enthusiasm and insight shine through in your descriptions and personal feelings and thoughts on the chapters.

    I love both your quote from Martha Graham and Bernadette's quote from Shakespeare. To quote someone my students relate to:

    "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
    ~ Dr. Seuss
  3. GailJan 22, 2012 02:10 PM
    I love the quotes you shared. I will definitely use them in my work somewhere down the line. Thank you Bernadette and Joe!
  4. MarquitaJan 22, 2012 07:12 PM
    Gail, I loved your perspective of chapters 5-8 of the Art of possibility. I love how you stated "leadership involves taking the initiative that others can follow to strive for a desired outcome." That is a very positive statement that we should live by!! We should all take the initiative!! Great work!!!