Sunday, January 22, 2012

MAC Week 3 Leadership Post

in the beginning, I decided that I wanted to publish. I have had a change of heart. Now I would like to present.  The Wimba session has definately cleared things up for be because I thought we really had to go to the place we choose and do a presentation.  But since we do not I really want the opportunity to show my work through presenting. I chose the following two places to present but I wonder if they would support my topic of Parental Involvement. I believe that technology could enhance the way teachers and parents communicate!!!

Georgia Educational Technology Conference

Association for Education Communication and Technology

1 comment:

  1. So... it is our hope that after all of this hard work that you do go and present somewhere... We don't expect for it to happen this or next month, but we do want you to be of a mindset that sees this project through, whether you present or publish. Anyway, doing great things is the cumulation of a lot of small great things.
