Friday, January 6, 2012

MAC Wk 1 Blog

Let's talk about Copyright!!!

Let me start by saying thank you for following me. I am now going to shed some light on the world of Copyright.

Apparently there was a lot that I did not know about copyright.  One interesting thing that I have learned is what can not be have a copyright. I will share them with you. First, for all of our comedians/actors out there, you cannot copyright anything that you improv unless you can a video of it or you right it down and send it in. What I have learned it is all about the evidence with the whole copyright situation so it is imperative to ensure that you have proof of some kind whether it be video or written.  You also cannot copyright a dance unless you have a way to prove that you did the dance. Again, you need video of some sort.  Also, only the person that is the copyright owner can use the copyright product.  Then there is fair use. I knew nothing about fair use until now but it is something that you see everyday.  It is just showing that there are some loop wholes with copyright.  A portion of the copyright product can be use for the news, teaching, critical comments, etc.  But it all makes sense because how else would the news or commercials be able to show a video of product or something that occurred.  If you have ever needed a picture for an assignment or presentation and you did not know where to find one, try creative commons. All the artist ask is that you give them credit for using the product.  Creative commons is a great way to share and give individuals the tools they need to succeed.  While also allowing artist to continue to express themselves.

I hope that you have had happy readings, until the next light shines.!.!.!


  1. @ Marquita,
    We are all in the same boat when it comes to being educated in Media Assets Creation. I think we have a lot to learn about how to use all the media and give credit or receive permission. I totally agree with you on your statement about creative commons being a great way to share and give individuals the tools they need to succeed. WELL PUT. I think the main focus is to learn where these rules are such as the internet address and be able to access them so when we produce media we can be in accordance to the rights of the author.

  2. @Marquita,

    I, too, had a limited understanding of copyrighting. There seem to be so many intricacies with respect to copyrighting as you noted with the comedian’s improve and the dance choreography. However, I think what you noted is key – it is so important in this ever changing environment that allows others to share information at warp speed that the owners of said intellectual property record it and due diligence by applying for a copyright to protect themselves.

  3. Great summary of the highlights on copyright, fair use and creative commons.
