Sunday, January 29, 2012

Week 4 Leadership Project

This Leadership project has been a great experience.  I have evaluated who my role model in education is, whether I would like to present or post, and also where I would like to present or post. Well no worries, I have finally decided.  I have created a presentation that I would like to present at on of the following sites.  Here is my first choice:

This is a great conferences that focuses on parental involvement and technology.  I was so thrilled when I found this site. I both technology and parental involvement so this site is perfect.

The second choice is:

This site is wonderful and it also provides a lot of information on parental involvement.

Here are links to my earlier post for the Leadership Project:

Week 1 Leadership Post

Week 2 Leadership Post

Week 3 Leadership Post

Here is also the link to my actual presentation!! Enjoy!!

Leadership Presentation

1 comment:

  1. So... You listed your leadership links twice this week... :-) thanks, great project idea and so important. Parental involvement is so fundamental to student success.
