Wednesday, January 11, 2012

MAC Wk 2 Blog

Welcome Back!! In week 2 I will be shedding some light on a book titled: "The Art of Possibility". This is a wonderful book!! Enjoy!!

The first chapter of the Art of possibility speaks of reaching an understanding in the sequence of: first, our sense bring us selective information about what is out there; second, the brain constructs its own simulation of the sensations; and only then, third, do we have our first conscious experience of our milieu. It gives great analogies of how our senses work and of the brain as a map. It also relates how we perceive things in the world and how the brain translates it.

Chapter two challenges you to think of your path in the world and struggles that you may have or have not yet overcome.  The world is all about surviving and making it through another day.  We have to be able to judge when, where, and how we measure the situations and people that we encounter.  An interesting point in the reading states: “We grow up in a world of measurement, and in this world, we get to know each other and things by measuring them, and by comparing and contrasting them”. This statement reminds me of how we judge each other on their socioeconomic statues or by skin color, etc.  It is important that we look inside of each other than the outside.  This chapter teaches us about looking at the world as if everything is possible and taking a chance.  We should be grateful for the good and the bad things that we encounter in life.

Chapter three is one that I can really relate too.  I agree that one cannot be measured simply by a grade.  The grade you receive does not always reflect on the work or time and effort that you have put into that assignment.  Getting a 75 in science does not indicate that I have done all of my homework and class work. Maybe I am a horrible test taker and that is why I am having these low scores. I really like the concept of giving an “A”.  The concept of giving an “A” is not an expectation to live up to, but a possibility to live into.   Having the students write about why they deserved an “A” even before they had to do any work was a great way to get students to realize their self-worth.  We are not the grade that we make. If I make a “D’, that is does not represent me.  Beyond that “D” I could be something much more or greater.  Words are what bother our students. If you speak negativity then that is what you will receive.  If you speak of excellence, than that is what you will get. 

Chapter four presents the struggles of acceptance.  It is about finding the achievement in everything you do without comparing yourself to the success of others.  Realizing that you as a person contribute to the world.  Being generous to other will encourage them to be generous to someone else. Teaching other to contribute will make them feel better about everything they do.

I hope that you have enjoyed following my light!! Shine On!!


  1. @ Marquita

    After reading week 2 assignment, I felt you gave a great summary of the book by Zander Art of Possibilities. I really like the giving an A part where you state,"The concept of giving an “A” is not an expectation to live up to, but a possibility to live into." Bravo. Well done. I enjoyed the book and look forward to finish it.

  2. Marquita, love your summary of the reading and the addition of your personal insight. I particularly like your comments with respect to Chapter 2 as that was refreshing as it prompted the reader to cease the comparisons with respect to forming judgements about people - instead we should judge the individual based on their own merits. Beyond race, i thought of the young people, particularly girls, and the issues with their bodies because of such comparisons. That chapter would be great for them. Great job!

  3. thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on the readin.
