Sunday, January 15, 2012

Week 2 Leadership Post

Welcome Back!! This time I will be shedding light of whether or not I would like to publish or post my work.

When it comes to deciding whether to publish or present, I have to go with publish hands down.  It will be so cool to reach a greater audience and have evidence of my writing.  I would love for people to read my article and be moved by my work.  I would also buy multiple copies and frame one. How cool would that be to tell a principle that my research was featured in a magazine?  Presenting is always great because people can see you and feel your emotion when you speak but I would really like to have proof of my work and accomplishment.  The main magazine I would like to have my work published would be NEA magazine. NEA stands for National Education Association.  I am a subscriber to their magazine and have been for years now.  I really enjoy the articles that I read and the messages that they relay.  It is a great magazine for teachers!!

Thank you for following my Ray of Light!!

1 comment:

  1. Great job focusing on the goal of having the published article to share with other. Excellent.
